Monday, June 14, 2010

Catching up a little

WED 6/9 -- Harrodsburg to Bardstown KY; a 45 mile ride made more...
umm... "interesting," let's say, by the weather, which included
several gi-normous downpours. We woke to a full-bore thunderstorm,
which kind of slowed things down at the start, but eventually it let
up enough to permit everyone to hit the road. In my "normal" life this
was one of those days when I would NEVER for a MOMENT even CONSIDERED
going for a ride. But off I went.

Of course, that wasn't the end of the rain. I managed to escape most
of the bad stuff via the "keep-your-eyes-peeled-for-a-shelter" method
-- one abandoned old machine shed, one front porch of an unoccupied
house, and one -- the best one -- the porch (with comfy bench!) of a
farm outbuilding somewhere near Mackville KY (pop 206), I believe,
where I sheltered (and napped, and ate my lunch, and read) for about 2
hours, while it poured and poured some more. The owner came home
(which was across the road) at one point, and thru the rain we used
hand signals to establish that it was just fine for me to bide my time
there -- "That's what it's for," he shouted. When it finally let up I
went over to the house to introduce myself and say thanks. Glen Brown
was his name; he's in the cattle biz -- he buys them and (somethings)
them and (something elses) them and (something elses) them and
castrates them (that was the only activity that stuck). When he asked
me where home was, and I said DC, his immediate response was, "Now why
would anyone want to live THERE for?" I find it's often a show-
stopper, when I tell people where I'm from.

(Sent from my iPhone)

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